Stationary production tables, tilting tables, folding pallets for twin wall production, casting pallets, steel moulds for precast elements as well as magnets and lifting equipments.
All machines and plant components can be delivered with different performances. The automation degree of the plants can be adapted with regard to the aimed capacity and local conditions. The plants consist of modules and can be adapted to all market requirements.
This precast concrete machinery is split into the following areas:
The production technology for the cost-effective and flexible production of prefabricated buildings, prefabricated houses, industrial buildings with different types of surfaces like polished concrete.
Pallet circulation systems or tilting tables for the production of concrete double walls, element ceilings, concrete massive walls, concrete sandwich walls and special purpose elements from standard and light weight concrete are in use over the world to the complete satisfaction of their customers. Performances of 200 up to 3000 m2 can be realized.
This production method enables a production process which can be controlled the whole way from the CAD system to the construction site.