Prensoland is leading international manufacturer of concrete machinery. It supplies machinery as block machines, molding and manufacturing equipment specially designed for precast concrete. The company manufactures both vibro-pressing concrete products, such as blocks and infill blocks, as prestressed products, such as concrete beams and hollow core slabs.

Prensoland is a company in constant research, this is a fact which has allowed that its concrete machinery is in the forefront of new technologies, advancing to the needs of its customers and new products of the latest architectural trends. This is a concrete machinery with a wide range of possibilities, so it is possible to choose from a small production plant, up to fully automated circuits to cover large areas of the market. It offers all kinds of solutions and automation that can reduce the human element of work to a minimum.
Prensoland’s machines are a robust type of construction machinery, so their durability is guaranteed worldwide. Another positive aspect is that they are very usable machines, customer can choose between fully automatic or semi-automatic models, they are easy to handle, while allowing an unparalleled versatility for making different pieces. It is also noteworthy that Prensoland’s concrete machinery offers now the best profitability of all the international market.
Main characteristics of Prensoland’s concrete machinery:
– Robust construction
– Great usability
– Total versatility
– Great performance
– Ensuring durability
– Minimum maintenance