Mechanization of agriculture is a term used in vast sense. Mechanization does not mean to include the use of machines, whether mobile or immobile, small or large in size, it is run by power and used for both primary and secondary tillage operations like harvesting and thrashing. But machines can also be used for different purposes like power lifts for irrigation, trucks for haulage of farm produce, processing machines, dairy appliances for cream separating, butter making, oil pressing, cotton ginning, rice hulling, and even used in various electrical home appliances like radios, irons, washing machines, vacuum cleaners and more.

Adopting new mechanization and farming process implies including of machine power to work on farm, usually these works are performed by bullocks, horses and other drought animals as well as human labor.
These mechanization can be adopted in two ways, part of the work is done by animals and human effort and remaining part will be done by machines which is called as partial mechanization. When animals and human are completely replaced by machines that leads to complete mechanization.
In broad sense mechanization of agriculture has two types, mobile mechanization and stationary mechanization. The previous attempts to replace animal power on which agriculture has been based for hundreds of years; while the last goes for decreasing the drudgery of specific activities which must be performed either by human work or by a joint effort of human and animals.
Benefits of Mechanization in Agriculture:
Leads to improvement in Agricultural Technique
The improvements come in the area of irrigation, land reclamation and the prevention of soil erosion. In recent days irrigation of crops can be achieved in scientific approach dependence on monsoon in India.
By using tractor attached cultivators we can get more land and thereby extends the cultivated area by smoothing hillocks, fills in depressions and gullies and removing deep-rooted weeds. And also this prevents soil erosion. Additional to these mechanical fertilization, contour bunding and terracing are done by mechanical methods with the help of self-driven graders and terraces.
It Modifies Social Structure in Rural Areas
Mechanization of agriculture leads to changes in social structure in rural areas and also reduces the farmer’s time and effort.
Introducing of Commercial Agriculture
Mechanization in farming methods results in a shift from subsistence farming to commercial agriculture. This move happens for the most part because of the requirement for more land and funding to be related with farmers so as to receive the full advantages of technology.
This in turn has two benefits:
(i) Domestic methods are slowly replaced by commercial methods.
(ii) Commercial methods give more productivity so that it will be helpful to reach international markets for selling.
Mitigate Farm Labor Shortage
In Modern Scenario, people are equipped with good qualifications and tend to migrate from rural to urban cities in search of job, which in turn leads to labor shortage. Usage of agriculture machines like inter cultivator, power tiller etc. can reduce the dependency on labor and improve the quality of life of the farmers.
It results in proper land usage
Mechanization also results in better usage of agriculture land for the substitution of fuel tractor for animal power means diminished interest. The utilization of machine power in this manner prompts great agricultural production, to exchange numerous crops or sale able animal to put it plainly, to a trade economy and an arrangement of land use in which cultivator lays on an alternate and endlessly more complex premise than it is found in the nearby independent economy.
It Reduces Fodder Area and Enlarges Food Area
By utilizing mechanical power in agriculture leads to reduce animal power so that raring of animals is not required and utilization of fodder area can be used to grow crops for producing food for human consumption. The remaining animals like cattle population would be better attended to and better fed under mechanized agriculture, for new and nourishing varieties of feeding stuff can be grown in cultural waste lands after reclaiming them for cultivation.
Best return of Farm Income
With the mechanization in place income from farm can be multiplied and it helps in improving the farmer’s economic condition. It represents the unmatched ascent of national income and with it the way of living life, it assembles urban communities, It raises business and other social organizations; it transforms free economic agglomerates into social economies to intently weave by a thousand lines of association.
Mechanization in agriculture leads to new revolution in India. As most of the people in India are still dependent on the traditional way of agriculture.
KisanKraft is the Manufacturer and Supplier of advanced agricultural machines for small and marginal farmers. Customers can contact us by for any product enquiries or issues give a missed call to 0767 606 5555 then our company representative will call back shortly.